Mrs. A.S. Rubasinghe
Contact : +94 11 2903175
- Education
- Journal Publications
- Teaching Experience
- National and International Conferences
- Contribution to University and National/ International Development
- University, National and International Activities
- Memberships/ Position in University and Professional Associations
- Contribution as a Resource Person
- Participation in Continuous Professional Development Programme/Workshops
Master of Social Sciences in Library and Information Science
Dissertation: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ග්රන්ථ ප්රකාශන කර්මාන්තය පිළිබද ඓතිහාසික අධ්යයනයක්
Master of Arts in Economics
Dissertation: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ සංගණන පිළිබද රාජ්ය අංශයේ කාර්ය භාර්යය (ජන ලේඛන හා සංඛ්යාලේඛන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව ඇසුරින්)
Bachelor of Arts Special Degree in Social Statistics
University of Kelaniya
Project Report: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ග්රන්ථ ප්රකාශන කර්මාන්තය සහ පොත් වෙළෙදපොල
Rubasinghe, A.S., & Bodhinayaka, D. (2018), Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services in Sri Lankan Universities, (with reference to University of Kelaniya, Ruhuna & Sri Jayewardenepura) The International Journal of Management & Applied Science (IJMAS), Vol .IV Issue V, May, p.5-8 URL http://ijmas.iraj.in/
De Silva, A.P.U, Priyangika, D.S, Rubasinghe, A.S. & Bodhinayaka, D. (2016), Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka : A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Asian Elephants in Culture, p. 316-325
රූබසිංහ, ඒ. එස්. (2006& ආර්ථික චින්තනයේ වර්ධනය උදෙසා මාක්ස්වාදී න්යායේ දායකත්වය" ප්රවණතා වෙළුම 11" ආර්ථික විද්යා අධ්යයන අංශh" කැලණිය විශ්වවිද්යාලය පි. 140-147
Visiting Lecturer in Postgraduate Course: Department of Political Science - 2018
Visiting Lecturer in Information Literacy Skills Development Programme in the academic year 2007/2008, University of Kelaniya -2008
Resource Person- Research methodology workshop conducted for the 4th year students in Department of Linguistics on 28th March 2019.
Rubasinghe, A.S., & Bodhinayaka, D. (2018), Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services in Sri Lankan Universities, Paper presented at the ISER International Conference, 04th -05th March, Brisbane, Australia. P.1
Ranaweera, A., Rubasinghe, A.S., Priyangika, D.S. & Bohinayaka, D. (2016), A Study of the usage of Library versus Internet as Sources of Information by undergraduate Students of University of Kelaniya: with special reference to Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Commerce & Management Studies, Paper presented at the International Postgraduate Research Conference, 08th-09th December, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya p.188
Rubasinghe,.A.S. (2015), Bibliometric Study on the Abstracts Presentation Submitted for the FGS symposium during 2000-2014 (with special reference to faculty of social sciences, University of Kelaniya, Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Social Studies, Communication and Education, 02nd-04th December, Tokyo, Japan.
Rubasinghe, A.S. & Bodhinayaka, D. (2015), An Investigation the Collection of Greek Literature in Sri Lankan Universities, Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference on Library and Information Science, 27th-30th July, Athens, Greece, p. 42
Rubasinghe, A.S. (2014), Bibliometric Study on University Librarian Association (ULA) Publication : Special reference to JULA, Paper presented at the 15th Annual Research Symposium 30th–31st October, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, p.63.
Rubasinghe, A.S. (2008), Government Sector contribution for Census & Surveys in Sri Lanka: a case study on the Department and Census & Statistics, Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Sciences- Sri Lanka (ICSSL), 18th-20th July, Sri Lanka, p.64
රූබසිංහ" ඒ. එස්. සහ දොළගේ" ජී. එස්. (2015&' ත්රිපිඨකය ග්රන්ථාරූඪ කිරීම හා අනුරාධපුර යුගයේ ග්රන්ථ ප්රකාශනය පිළිබද අධ්යයනයක් Information Literacy for Moving to Mastery, paper presented at the ULA Academic Sessions, 6 th of February, University of Ruhuna, Matara. p.32.
රූබසිංහ, ඒ. එස්. (2013), ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ග්රන්ථ ප්රකාශන කර්මාන්තය පිළිබද ඓතිහාසික අධ්යයනයක්, paper presented at the 6th Research Conference 28th-30th March, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. p.52.
රූබසිංහ" ඒ. එස්. (2008&' ශ්රි ලංකාවේ විශ්වවිද්යාලයන්හි මධ්යගත පුස්තකාලයන්ට අමතරව පීඨ/දෙපාර්තමේන්තු පුස්තකාල ආරම්භ කිරීම" paper presented at the Libraries for Development LIS Research Symposium 01st- March, Library and Information Science Alumni Association, University of Kelaniya. p.19
Contribution as a member of Self Evaluation Report 2020, Institutional Review Criterion 04, University of Kelaniya
Organizing Committee Member of 60 th Anniversary Exhibition held on 26th -28 th November 2019. University of Kelaniya
Organizing committee member of National Conference of University Librarians Association (NACULA - 2017) of Sri Lanka on 1st of June 2017 at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Organizing Committee Member -International Conference on Social Sciences, Sri Lanka (ICSSL), 18th-20th July 2008, Research Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
Organizing Committee Member– 10 th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies (ICSLS) on 16th-18th December 2005, Research Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
Organizing Committee Member –“Research with Global Exposure”, Seminar on Research Papers Presented by the Academic Staff Members of The Faculty of Social Sciences, at the International Conferences held in Foreign Countries in 2005 & 2006, 08 th of February 2007, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
Library Representative for the Corporate Plan Monitoring Committee (CPMC) for the period of three years with effect from 01.04.2017.
Library Representative for the Faculty Board, Faculty of Commerce and Management with effect from September 2014 to December 2017.
Library Representative for the Faculty Board, Faculty of Humanities with effect from February 2019 up to now
Treasure of University Librarians’ Association (ULA) Council 2016/2017
EXCO Member of University Librarians’ Association (ULA) Council 2015/2016
Academic Warden – Ediriweera Sarathchandra Girls Hostel, University of Kelaniya, (2013/2014) academic Year
Student Counselor – University of Kelaniya, (2012/2013) academic Year
Student Counselor – University of Kelaniya, (2011/2012) academic Year)
Served as a Rapporteur of the 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM- 2016) organized by the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
Workshop on Short Course on Research Methodology, NILIS, University of Colombo (25th-28th October 2017)
Workshop on Library System Software and Networking organized by International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) at University of Colombo (17th- 18th November 2015)
Training Programme on Information Technology for Information Management, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resource (NISCAIR), and SAARC Documentation Centre, New Delhi, (07.04.2014 to 09.05.2014)
Workshop on Pedagogical skills for University Librarians organized by International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) at University of Colombo (23th- 25th July 2013)