Library E-Databases
EBSCO host Research Database
EBSCOhost provides access to full-text journal databases and e-books in various disciplines. You can access EBSCOhost-Academic Search Complete and eBook Academic Collection through EBSCOhost Research Database. Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database that offers full-text access to peer-reviewed journals as well as indexing and abstracts for monographs, reports, and conference proceedings.

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EBSCo host
Click to AccessEmerald Group Publications
Emerald Publishing is one of the world’s leading scholarly publisher of academic journals and books. This database includes e-journals and e-books in many disciplines such as business, management, economics, engineering, computing, technology and social sciences.

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Emerald Publishing
Click to AccessJSTOR Database
Library has subscribed to JSTOR Business Collection IV, which includes Journal titles in economics, management, industrial relations and finance and JSTOR Arts and Sciences Collections I, V, VIII and XI.
JSTOR Arts and Sciences Collection V includes literary reviews and state historical titles.

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Click to AccessTaylor and Francis Online
Taylor & Francis Online provides access to high quality cross-disciplinary journals. Taylor & Francis e-books is one of the world’s largest collection of e-books. Both E-books and e-journals collections covers the subject areas in Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering and Medicine.

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Taylor and Francis
Click to AccessOxford University Press (OUP)
Oxford University Press publishes highest quality journals and has the highest percentage of journals in the top 10% by impact factor. OUP publishes journals from science, technical, professional, medical, humanities, arts and social science disciplines.

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Oxford Journals
Click to AccessOxford Medicine Online
Oxford Medicine Online is a collection of online resources covering over 85 specialty and subspecialty areas. Medical Library provides access to 104 titles of Oxford Medicine Online including 62 Oxford Handbooks and Oxford Textbook of Medicine.