Mr. Dhammika Rathnayaka
Contact : +94 112903177
He obtained bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science from University of Kelaniya in 2013 and completed his Mater of Social Sciences (MSSc.) in 2018 from the University of Kelaniya. Before joining the University Library Network, he worked as an Assistant librarian in The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) 2016-2018, and worked as a visiting lecturer in Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute of University of Kelaniya in 2016. He was a resource person in North Central Provincial Library Service Board in 2016. He worked as an Assistant librarian in Kotelawala Defense University in 2015 and worked as a Temporary Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Library and Information Science of University of Kelaniya in 2013-2015. He has experience as a Trainee Librarian in Auston Institute in 2013. He is a lecturer and non-corporate member in the Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) from 2018.
- Education
- Journal publications
- Courses taught at university level
- Teaching at undergraduate level
- Teaching at Professional level
- Teaching at National level
- Academic Writing
- Presentations at national/international conferences/symposium
Master of Social Sciences in Library and Information Science
University of Kelaniya
Dissertation: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විශ්වවිද්යාල පුස්තකාල ස්වයංක්රීයකරණය සඳහා යන්ත්ර පාඨ්ය සූචිකරණ ප්රමිති භාවිතය
Bachelor of Arts Special Degree in Library and Information Science
University of Kelaniya
Dissertation: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විශ්වවිද්යාල පුස්තකාලවල, පුස්තකාල දැනුම සංවිධානය සහ පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැඟිලි හා උපකරණ සඳහා වන ප්රමිති පිළිබඳ අධ්යයනයක්
Corporate Member of Sri Lanka Library Association – SLLA
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2020). යන්ත්රපාඨ්ය සූචිකරණ ප්රමිතිය 1 (Machine-Readable Cataloging I) සහ යන්ත්රපාඨ්ය සූචිකරණ ප්රමිතිය 2 (Machine-Readable Cataloging II). Sarasavilekha, 6: 56-75.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2015). පුස්තකාල දැනුම සංවිධාන ප්රමිති පිළිබඳ හැඳින්වීමක්. Sarasavilekha, 363-396.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2014). ප්රමිති, ප්රමිති ඉතිහාසය සහ ප්රමිති වර්ග පිළිබඳ මූලික විමර්ශනයක්. Samaja Wimarsha, 1: 125-140.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2014). පුස්තකාල ප්රමිති ඉතිහාසය සහ ප්රමිති වර්ග පිළිබඳ සංක්ෂිප්ත විමර්ශනයක්. Santhathi, 127-146.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2014). පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැඟිලි හා උපකරණ ප්රමිති පිළිබඳ අධ්යයනයක්. Felicific academic journal of Senior Professor Piyadasa Ranasinghe, 232-242.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2014). History, editions and the use of Universal Decimal Classification. Sarasavilekha, 177-84.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. (2011). පාසල් පුස්තකාලය පාසල් සිසුවා වෙත ගෙන යාමට නම්. Pusthakala Vidya, 6: 181-188.
Visiting Lecturer – Stock Verification, Diploma in Library and Information - Department of Library and Information Science - University of Kelaniya in 2020.
Visiting Lecturer – Information Communications Technology II, Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurweda Institute, University of Kelaniya in 2016.
Visiting Lecturer – Information Communications Technology III, Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurweda Institute, University of Kelaniya in 2016.
Visiting Lecturer – Information Communications Technology and Information Technology III - Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) - Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurweda Institute - University of Kelaniya in 2016.
Visiting Lecturer – HSU 5603, Advanced Library Classification, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL, in 2019.
Visiting Lecturer – Advanced Library Classification: UDC Practical, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences , The Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL, in 2018.
Temporary Lecturer - Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya, from 2013 to 2015.
Visiting Lecturer - Information & Communication Technology, Diploma in Library and Information Level II - Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) in 2018, 2019 & 2020.
Visiting Lecturer – Library Automation, Diploma in Library and Information Level III - Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) in 2018, 2019 & 2020.
Visiting Lecturer – Searching (ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION: Indexing and Retrieval)- Diploma in Library and Information Level III, Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) in 2019,2020.
Resource Person – Workshop: Library Housekeeping and Operation support, University Librarians Association in 2019.
Resource Person - Librarian Training Program: Good House Keeping in Library, Management Development & Training Unit, Department of Local Government - Central Province in 2019.
Resource Person - School Librarian Training Program, Library Service Board - North Central Province in 2016.
Resource Person - Public Librarians training program - Mahara Pradeshiya Sabha in 2013.Session Writer - Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), Number building II in UDC, UDC ONLINE and other online classification systems, Online Classification Systems: Current trends and future
developments - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka in 2018.Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2019. Identifying the issues using the Machine readable cataloging standards for the library automation in university libraries in Sri Lanka. 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM). University of Kelaniya.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2019. A study on Machine readable cataloging standards for the library automation in selected university libraries in Sri Lanka. 20th Conference on Post Graduate Research/International Post Graduate Research Conference (IPRC). Faculty of Graduate Study. University of Kelaniya.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2018. Use of Machine Readable Cataloging Standard in University Libraries of Sri Lanka. 19th Conference on Postgraduate Research International Postgraduate Research Conference. Faculty of Graduate Study. University of Kelaniya.
Rewatha, Rev. Pathakada & Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2018. සමාජ මාධ්ය ජාල, ඉගෙනුම් මාධ්යයක් වශයෙන් විශ්වවිද්යාල සිසුන්ට වැදගත්වන ආකාරය. 19th Conference on Postgraduate Research International Postgraduate Research Conference. Faculty of Graduate Study. University of Kelaniya.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2015. Study of usage of printed & internet information resources to prepare assignments of temporary academic staff of the faculty of Social Sciences of University of Kelaniya. 8th Annual Research Conference of Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RASSL). Colombo
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2014. Issues related to improper use of Knowledge Organization Library Standards in University Libraries in Sri Lanka. 15th Annual Research Symposium, the Faculty of Graduate Study. University of Kelaniya.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2014. Perception of library staff on Knowledge Organization Library Standards in University libraries. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA), University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Colombo.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2014. Use of library buildings and equipment standards in University libraries in Sri Lanka. 7th Annual Research Conference of Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RASSL), Sri Lanka.
Rathnayaka, R.M.D.P. 2014. Use of library standards in the knowledge organization in University libraries in Sri Lanka. 2nd Temporary Academic Staff Conference. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.